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Spaces, People, and Technology


June 13th - 14th, 2016

Responsable de l'activité

Denis Lalanne


Dr Hamed Alavi, University of Fribourg


Prof. Mikael Wiberg, Umea University (Sweden)

Prof. Thomas Pederson, IT University of Copenhagen (Denmark)

Prof. Liam J. Bannon, Aarhus University (Denmark)


In the era of ubiquitous computing, reaching a sustainable integration of technology into the built environment has emerged as a major challenge for both technology designers as well as building and urban architects.


There has been a remarkable body of design-oriented research practices that fall at the crossroads of human-computer interaction and place-making, namely the projects related to the notions of "Smart Home" or "Responsive Place". Furthermore, on a more conceptual level, underpinning theories of modern HCI such as embodied interaction and activity theory have been revised to include or show compatibility with the architectural concepts such as "spatial configuration".


The newly created Human-IST research center at the University of Fribourg carries out research in this area, and has a multi-disciplinary focus as one of its mandates. This seminar, which aims to bring together some of the main figures of this multidisciplinary domain, whose expertise and experiences cover both the practical and theoretical angles, falls directly into this newly evolving area of research in Switzerland.




More details can be found at



Deadline for registration 03.06.2016
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