PhD students

300 records
Lastname Firstname Social University E‑Mail Theme of thesis Director of thesis Defence year
ABDRABO Amro UNIL E‑Mail Privacy and utility aspects of lifestyle tracking Prof. Dr. Kévin Huguenin
ADAMCZYK Aleksandra UNIFR E‑Mail Study of nanoparticle-fluorophore coupling in controlled geometries. Prof. Guillermo Acuna 2024
ADIPRABOWO Aditya UNIGE E‑Mail Virtual Reality in Enhancing Disaster Response Professor Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo;
Dr. Laurent Moccozet; Dr. Jose-Luis Fernandez Marquez.
AGHAEI DINANI Mina UNINE E‑Mail The performance evaluation of Gossip Learning protocols when we have dynamic setups
AJALLOEIAN Ahmad UNIL E‑Mail Interpretable Machine learning - Robustness of explanation methods Michalis Vlachos
ALIYU Sadiq UNIL E‑Mail I am Investigating the effect of cyberbullying on vulnerable populations. Professor Mauro Cherubini
Professor Kevin Huguenin
ALJALBOUT Sahar UNIGE E‑Mail Domain : Knowledge engineering and Semantic Web Gilles Falquet, Didier Buchs 2019
ALONSO Eloi UNIGE E‑Mail Reinforcement Learning / Machine Learning François Fleuret
ALPOS Orestis UNIBE - Consensus and security in Blockchain technologies Prof. Dr. Christian Cachin
ALRAFEEA Fayez UNIGE E‑Mail Discovering Uncertainty towards Public Issues through Social Media
AMORES SESAR Ignacio UNIBE - Blockchain and Consensus Christian Cachin
ANDREASYAN Narek UNIFR E‑Mail Swiss Digital Ethics Compass Prof. Dr. Edy Portmann
Dr. Luis Terán
Perhaps 2026
ANTONIN Chale UNIL E‑Mail data annalists of lidar point cloud and fault detection Michel Jaboyedoff
Marc-Henri Derron
ANURAJ Banani HESSO-VS E‑Mail Agent-Based Orchestration of Edge Devices Jean-Paul Calbimonte (HES-SO, Valais)
ARNÉRA James UNIL E‑Mail Persuasive Technology (Informatique)
AROUS Ines UNIFR E‑Mail Time Series and Entity extraction Prof. Philippe Cudré-Mauroux
ATANASIU Vlad UNIFR - Document analysis Rolf Ingold
ATHANASOPOULOS Andreas UNINE E‑Mail Machine Learning for Societal Benefit Christos Dimitrakakis 2026-2027
AZIZI Ilia UNIL E‑Mail Supervised Multi-modal Machine Learning with Data Interpolation & Model Interpretation Dr. Marc-Olivier Boldi
Prof. Valérie Chavez-Demoulin
BAHADORNIA Seyyed Mohammad Mahdi UNIBE E‑Mail A Multi-perspective Assessment of Channel-related Unfairness in Voice Assistants Prof. Christian Matt 2027
BAMMERT Vivien UNIBE E‑Mail cryptography, data security, distributed algorithms Prof. Dr. Christian Cachin
BARBARACI Mariarosaria UNIBE E‑Mail Distributed Cryptography Christian Cachin 2026 (expected)
BARTLOMIEJCZYK Natalia UNINE E‑Mail Health and wellbeing in HCI Adrian Holzer
BASHARDOUST Amirsiavosh UNIL E‑Mail AI in information systems Prof. Yash Raj Shrestha 2027
BENSAHLA Adel UNIGE E‑Mail Data and semantic driven patient trajectory modeling Christian Lovis
Stéphane Marchand-Maillet
BENYAHYA Meriem UNIGE E‑Mail Cybersecurity over Automated Vehicles Niels Alexander Nijdam 2024
BERGER Alexandre-Quentin UNIGE E‑Mail Game theory and complexity
BERGRAM Kristoffer UNINE E‑Mail Designing Digital Choice Architecture - Studies on the behavioral and attitudinal impact of digital nudges Prof. Dr. Adrian Holzer
Prof. Dr. Valéry Bezençon
BERNEY Manon UNINE E‑Mail Not yet defined Adrian Holzer 2026
BERTHOLET Peter UNIBE E‑Mail 3D Model Design Prof. Dr. Matthias Zwicker
BHARDWAJ Akansha UNIFR - Tighten it All: Big data integration for loosely structured data Prof. Dr. Philippe CUDRE-MAUROUX
BIELSKI Adam UNIBE - Computer Vision / Unsupervised Learning Paolo Favaro
BINI Lorenzo UNIGE E‑Mail Structural Intrinsic Dimensionality Stephane Marchand-Maillet
BLANC Charly UNIFR E‑Mail Collaborative Robotics, digital skills and re-humanization of the workspace Denis Lalanne
Sarah Dégallier-Rochat
BORGOGNON Nathalie UNIGE E‑Mail Design patterns for phygitalizing collaborative activities in hybrid learning spaces: Promoting seamless engagement and emotional follow-up.

Modèles de conception pour phygitaliser les activités collaboratives dans les espaces hybrides d’apprentissage: Favoriser un engagement continu et un suivi émotionnel.
‪Laurent Moccozet‬
Gaëlle Molinari
BRESCIA Lorenzo UNINE E‑Mail Confidential Data Science: Federated Learning in Trusted Execution Environments Valerio Schiavoni
BROSSET Soraya UNIGE E‑Mail EEG Neurofeedback for visual attention -- Neural substrates of top-down modulation of visual cortex studied with multimodal brain imaging techniques Patrik Vuilleumier 2026
BÜRKI Julie-Christine UNIGE E‑Mail Cybersecurity for autonomous and electric vehicles. Jean-Henry Morin
Anastasija Collen Niels Nijdam
BUWAYA Julia UNIGE E‑Mail Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks Prof. José Rolim
CAON Maurizio UNIFR E‑Mail
CAPALLERA Marine UNIFR - Human-Vehicle Interaction for Autonomous Driving Professor Rolf Ingold
Professor Jean-Pierre Bresciani
CARACCIOLO Andrea UNIBE E‑Mail architectural verification Oscar Nierstrasz
CARRINO Francesco UNIFR E‑Mail MAGI - Mind Augmented Gesture Interaction Rolf Ingold
Omar Abou Khaled, Elena Mugellini
CASELLI Ashley UNIGE E‑Mail Knowledge engineering 2025
CATHIGNOL Annie UNIL E‑Mail Clinical Decision Support System in Drug Dosage adaptation Chantal Csajka
Yann Thoma
CHAI Xiuyun UNIBE E‑Mail PhD thesis subject is currently in the process of being defined.
CHAMBERS Flann UNIGE E‑Mail Modélisation basée agents de trajectoires environnementales. Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo
Christophe Cruz
CHAPPUIS Flore UNIL E‑Mail A novel approach to radiotherapy using ultra-high dose rate radiations: uncover the early mechanisms of the FLASH effect with Monte Carlo techniques.
CHAPUIS Bertil UNIL - Synchronization and Storage Benoît Garbinato
CHASSOT Christian UNIL E‑Mail Investigating data governance of biometrics systems in the public sector Prof. Tobias Mettler
CHEBBI Abir UNIGE E‑Mail NLP(Natural Language Processing) and Trust Computing
CHEN Jianping UNINE - Fault Tolerance
CHEN Jinxuan UNIBE E‑Mail Rapid Beamforming for Massive MIMO using Machine Learning on RF-only and Multi-modal Sensor Data Prof. Dr. Torsten Braun
CHERIX Robin UNIFR E‑Mail Immersive interaction in cultural heritage Denis Lalanne
CHIARELLI Germán UNIFR E‑Mail Nanosecond time-resolved fluorescence nanoscopy: 3D sub-10 nm imaging and super-resolved fluorescence lifetime imaging Guillermo Acuna 2023
CHIS Andrei Vasile UNIBE E‑Mail Prof. Dr. Oscar Nierstrasz
CIMATTI Annalisa UNIBE E‑Mail Cryptography and data security Christian Cachin
CLARET Romain UNINE E‑Mail A Neuroevolution approach towards human-like intelligence for complex-problems solving.
Prof. Kilian Stoffel Dr. Paul Cotofrei
COET Aurélien UNIGE E‑Mail Programming languages and formal verification Prof. Didier Buchs
COLMENAR HERRERA Marta UNIBE E‑Mail Predictive and Practical Perimetry: Machine Learning Models and Novel Testing Approaches for Progressive Eye Diseases Prof. Dr. Raphael Sznitman
Prof. Dr. Martin Zinkernagel
COMPARINI Alessio UNIL E‑Mail The Neural Mechanisms of Art: A Machine Learning Approach to Understanding Executive Function in Young Children Jonas Richiardi
Clara James
CONRADIN Raphael UNIGE E‑Mail Simulation of tissue morphogenesis Prof. B. Chopard 2021
COPARA ZEA Jenny Linet UNIGE E‑Mail Natural Language Processing to support biomedical tasks Prof. Gilles Falquet
Prof. Douglas Teodoro
D'ONOFRIO Sara UNIBE - Cognitive Computing - Computing with Words, Perceptions and Emotions Prof. Dr. Thomas Myrach
Prof. Dr. Edy Portmann
DABROWSKI Oscar UNIGE E‑Mail Reconstruction/artifact correction of MRI images Prof. Bastien Chopard
Prof. François Lazeyras
DAHER Karl UNIFR E‑Mail Affective computing for empathic behaviour change Denis Lalanne
Elena Mugellini, Omar Abou Khaled
DE ANGELIS Francesco UNIGE - Formal specification of services Prof. Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo
DE LAAGE Romain UNINE E‑Mail Practical Privacy-Preserving Processing - Distributed systems and confidentiality Pascal Felber
Valerio Schiavoni
DE ROSA Pasquale UNINE E‑Mail Machine Learning for systems Pascal Felber
Valerio Schiavoni
DE SALIS Emmanuel UNIFR - Computer Science Professeur Jean-Pierre Bresciani
Professeur Marino Widmer
DE SANTANA NETO Jose Pedro UNIGE E‑Mail Numerical simulation of melt extraction in magmatic crystal mush Jonas Latt
Bastien Chopard
DE SANTO Alessio UNINE - Public Health Intelligence
DÉRIAZ Denis UNINE E‑Mail Data science / machine learning methods for medical data
DERONSART Nicolas UNIGE E‑Mail Multimodal and contextual emotion recognition using machine learning Guillaume Chanel
DHILLON Daljit Singh UNIBE -
DISTOR Charmaine UNIL E‑Mail Artificial intelligence in public sector organizations Oliver Neumann
DOLATA Mateusz UNIZH E‑Mail Supporting communication and creativity in co-located teams (provisional) Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schwabe
DROBNJAK Aleksandar UNIFR - Fuzzy Recommendation Systems
DUBLER Fernand UNIFR E‑Mail Formal Methods Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche
DULONG Rémi UNINE E‑Mail Computer Science, Complex Systems, Non volatile memory
DURAND Arnaud UNIFR E‑Mail Software engineering & Internet of Things Jacques Pasquier
EHINGER Guillaume UNIGE - IT & Sociology Mathilde Bourrier
Jean-Henry Morin
EL KAMALI Mira UNIFR E‑Mail design of a virtual coach for wellbeing for older adults.
EL ZEIN Yamane UNIL E‑Mail mHealth data privacy Prof. Kévin Huguenin
Dr. Ricard Delgado (CSEM)
ELIKAN Dina UNIL - Social Business Models Pr. Yves Pigneur
FAKHERI Ali UNIGE - Professor Jose Rolim
Dr. Pierre Leone
FANKHAUSER Benjamin UNIBE E‑Mail Graph Neural Networks Kaspar Riesen
FATIMA Anam UNIGE E‑Mail Advanced image reconstruction methods in MRI will be developed to allow freebreath high resolution cardiac cine MRI in patients with fast heart rate Pr Jean-Paul VALLÉE, Département de radiologie et informatique, Faculté de médecine expected 2027
FENG Yuanjun UNIL E‑Mail AI explainability in movie recommendation Yash Raj Shrestha
FIRMANSYAH Hafiz Budi UNIGE E‑Mail Human-machine intelligence for crisis management Prof. Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo
Dr. Jose Luis Fernandez-Marquez
FORREST Jing UNIGE E‑Mail Ageing in a Technology Era: Understanding and Enhancing the Quality of Life for Ageing Population through Digital Integration and Assistive Technologies Prof. Katarzyna Wac, Quality of Life Technologies Lab, University of Geneva
Ms Mirana Randriambelonoro, PhD, Quality of Life Technologies Lab, University of Geneva
FOURNIER Kevin UNIL - Wadge Hierarchy of Delta^1_2 sets. Prof. Jacques Duparc
Prof. Boban Velickovic (Paris VII)
FUCHS Mathias UNIBE E‑Mail Graph matching Pd. Dr. Kaspar Riesen
FUCHS Michael UNINE E‑Mail Graph neural networks approach for social behavior understanding Prof. Kilian Stoffel
GAJDA Mikele UNIL E‑Mail Combinatorial Optimization Prof. Olivier Gallay
GARCÍA FLORES Brandon israel UNIL E‑Mail Risk modeling in actuarial science Hansjörg Albrecher
GARG Nikhil UNIGE E‑Mail James Henderson
GEÇER Melike UNIL E‑Mail Federated Learning Prof. Benoît Garbinato
GHADFI Ahmed Sami UNIGE E‑Mail On Single-Pass Encoding of Words and Relations to Improve Information Extraction
GHADFI Sami UNIGE E‑Mail Knowledge extraction Gilles Falquet 2022
GHOULA Nizar UNIGE - Gestion de connaissances pour le traitement sémantique des documents Gilles Falquet
GIACHETTI Benedetta HESSO-FR E‑Mail Doctorate of Philosophy in Computer Science Co-design and development of an effective digital coaching system, to facilitate, the adoption of healthy lifestyle changes, through a digital app which using behavioural science, provides context-aware experiential learning activities and a digital representation of their self to the patient. Cudré-Mauroux Philippe
Elena Mugellini
GILLIOZ Anthony UNIBE E‑Mail Graph Reduction for Pattern Recognition 2024
GISLER Christophe UNIFR - Machine Learning Technics Applied to Heterogenous Time Series Prof Dr Jean Hennebert
Prof Dr Rolf Ingold, Omar Abou Khaled, Elena Mugellini
GKIKOPOULOS Panagiotis UNINE E‑Mail Data Distribution and Exploitation in a Global Microservice Artefact Observatory Valerio Schiavoni
Peter Kropf
GOMES André UNIBE E‑Mail Information-Centric Networking in Cloud Computing Prof. Dr. Torsten Braun
Prof. Dr. Edmundo Monteiro
GOMEZ Christian UNIL E‑Mail Blockchain technology for traceability in the agri-food supply chain: the case of coffee. Benoit Garbinato
GOMEZ Juan Diego UNIGE - SeeColOr Thierry Pun
Guido Bologna
GOSS Nicolas UNIL E‑Mail Metabolic view on sex hormonal status and health risk: A longitudinal lipidome-wide association study Dr. Julijana Ivanisevic
Dr. Zoltán Kutalik and Prof. Pedro Marques-Vidal.
GOSWAMI Lahari UNIL E‑Mail Domain of thesis - Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Prof. Mauro Cherubini
Prof. Thibault Estier
GREGOROVA Magda UNIGE E‑Mail Machine learning Alexandros Kalousis
GUYOT Dorian UNIFR E‑Mail Continuation closure in Büchi Automata Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche
HABIBI POUR ROUDSARI Farzad USI - Design for the Clouds, a methodology for designing cloud computing applications
HAEFLIGER Garance UNIGE E‑Mail Analysis of multimodal images (micro-CT and histopathology 3D) of colorectal cancer metastases using machine learning Prof. Stéphane Marchand-Maillet
Prof. Henning Müller
HAJIANFAR Ghasem UNIGE E‑Mail Combined deep learning and radiomics analysis in multimodality medical imaging Pr Habib ZAIDI 2029
HALOPÉ Hubert UNIGE E‑Mail AI value creation for organizations across sectors Prof. Giuseppe Ugazio
Prof. Tina Ambos
HAMZENEJADI Sajad UNIGE E‑Mail Security and Privacy in Autonomous Vehicles using Federated learning and Cryptography Dr Niels A. Nijdam
HARBICH Matthieu UNIL - Open data to business - Building a data app store
HASAN M Redwan UNIL E‑Mail PhD in Data Management Prof. Christine Legner
HASHEMINEZHAD Elham UNIBE E‑Mail Decentralized Reinforced RAN Intelligent Controller Orchestration for 6G Networks Prof.Dr.Torsten Braun
HAUSMANN Jody UNIGE - Increase of physical activity of sedentary populations via mobile phone technologies based interventions Dimitri Konstantas
Katarzyna Wac
HEISTERMANN Martin UNIBE E‑Mail Hex-dominant Volumetric Meshing (Geometry Processing) Prof. Dr. David Bommes
HERZOG Nitsa UNIGE E‑Mail Computer Vision and Machine Learning Prof. Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo
HILLAH Nico UNIL - Evolution of Information systems Thibault Estier
HORST Alexander UNIGE E‑Mail Quantification of HRQoL Professor Wac
HOSSEINALIPOUR Seyed-moeen UNIGE E‑Mail Computational Diplomacy for Global Governance of Infectious Diseases Prof. Didier Wernli 2028
HU Qiyang UNIBE - Computer vision Paolo Favaro
HUO Zenan UNIL E‑Mail High-performance Material Point Method for Landslide Simulation
HUSSEIN Rana UNIFR E‑Mail Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding
IHO Satu UNIL - Collaboration challenges in cross-boundary teaming Stéphanie Missonier
JAMET Henri UNIL E‑Mail The use of generative AI in education Yash Raj Shresta (
Michalis Vlachos (
JEANNERET Maximiliano HESSO-NE E‑Mail AI-Accessible Document Adaptation Prof. Denis Lalanne (UNIFR)
Prof. Cédric Baudet (HEG Arc // HES-SO)
JIN Meiguang UNIBE E‑Mail computational photography
KELLNER Emmanuel UNIGE E‑Mail Still open, but with hints of Data science, Citizen science, Environmental monitoring, possibly air quality Prof. Jean-Henry Morin 2025
KESZTHELYI Daniel UNIGE E‑Mail Integrative patient report using unstructured, uncertain, temporal health data Prof. Christian Lovis
Dr Mina Bjelogrlic
KHELIFATI Abdelouahab UNIFR E‑Mail Provenance over data streams
KHOUJA Mounir UNINE E‑Mail Domain of IT and Economy Adrian Hozler
KIOUKA Anthi UNIL E‑Mail Strategy and Marketing of AI
KOKKINIS Ioannis UNIBE - Justification Logic
KOSTEN Catherine UNIFR E‑Mail Natural Language Query Processing for Databases Philippe Cudre- Mauroux
Kurt Stockinger
KOURAKOU GEORGIA UNIL E‑Mail The impact of digitization on the management of administrative procedures : The case of building permits’ Olivier Glassey, IDHEAP, UNIL ([email protected])
Chappelet Jean-Loup, IDHEAP, UNIL
KOVACS Alexandra-Carmen UNIFR E‑Mail Conversational Agent for xAI Prof. Bernard Ries
Prof. Elena Mugellini
KRASIKOV Pavel UNIL E‑Mail Overcoming barriers towards the use of open data in business context Prof. Christine Legner
KREJCI Désirée UNIL - Cross-boundary collaboration in innovation
KULKARNI Vaibhav UNIL - Privacy Aware Predictive Platform for Green Mobility Benoît Garbinato
KURS Jan UNIBE E‑Mail Agile Modeling 2016
LEE Sangjin UNIFR E‑Mail database-aware in storage computation
LEFEBVRE Hippolyte UNIL E‑Mail Data management Christine Legner
LEHMANN Eveline UNIBE - Justification Logic Prof. Dr. T. Studer
LEHNHERR David UNIBE E‑Mail Logic and Concurrency Christian Cachin
Thomas Studer
LENARD Teri UNIGE E‑Mail Trusted Software-Defined Systems Dimitri Konstantas
Niels Alexander Nijdam
LI Jing UNIGE E‑Mail lattice Boltzmann method turbulence modeling Jonas Latt
Orestis Malaspinas
LI Zan UNIBE E‑Mail Indoor localization
LIENHARD Kenny UNIL - Mobile Assistants for Knowledge-intensive Routines in Patient Care Christine Legner
LIMA Alisson UNIBE E‑Mail Fog computing and Information-Centric Networking Prof. Torsten Braun 2023
LLESHI Kejdi UNIL E‑Mail Retrieving climates from the last glacial maximum using an invert glacier model Guillaume Jouvet
Frederic Herman
LU Yao UNIFR - Programming middleware for wireless sensor network Professor Beat Hirsbrunner
Professor Pierre Kuonen
LUGGEN Michael UNIFR E‑Mail Structured information in electronic mail Philippe Cudré-Mauroux
Bernhard Anrig
LUVISON Eva UNIL E‑Mail Inforéation, security and privacy Kévin Huguenin
MAERGNER Paul UNIFR - Graph-Based Signature Verification Andreas Fischer
Rolf Ingold Kaspar Riesen
MANCERA ANDRADE Jose Alberto UNIFR E‑Mail Automatic feature extraction to create flexible self-learning fuzzy recommender algorithms in the context of explainable systems Prof. Edy Portman
Dr. Luis Terán
MARANDI Ali UNIBE - I am actually working, as a 1st year PhD student, on Network Coding (NC)-based Multimedia diffusion in Information Centric Networks (ICNs). Currently I am involved in implementing a different version of NC for ICNs. I expect to try some Machine Learning and Big Data algorithms in future, e.g. to design better interest forwarding strategies for ICNs. Prof. Torsten Braun
MARCHANOFF Jérôme UNIGE - geo-localized mobile computing and communications solutions for healthcare
MARMIER Auriane UNIL E‑Mail Open Data Professeur Tobias Mettler
MARRO Michele UNIGE E‑Mail Predicting ocular exposure to natural and artificial light with numerical simulations Laurent Moccozet
David Vernez (Unil)
MASANTI Corina UNIBE E‑Mail Advanced Proofreading Services Dr. Kaspar Riesen 2025
MATE Balint UNIGE E‑Mail Machine Learning
MATIAS Igor UNIGE E‑Mail Providemus alz: Ubiquitous Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease Early Screening Professor Katarzyna Wac
Professor Matthias Kliegel
2026 ?
MAVLYUTOV Ruslan UNIFR - Big data, scalable databases, scalable machine learning solutions Philippe Cudre-Mauroux
MERCIER Julien E‑Mail « Apports de la réalité augmentée mobile géolocalisée à l’éducation à la biodiversité » Augmented Reality, Edtech, Géomatique, UI/UX… Pr. Olivier Ertz
Erwan Bocher
MERZOUKI Aziza UNIGE E‑Mail Modeling and numerical simulation of biological tissue development Prof. Bastien Chopard
MESFIN Michael UNIGE - Les récits comme leviers de gouvernance, gestion du risque et conformité en matière de service. Jean-Henry Morin
Annik Dubied
METEIER Quentin UNIFR E‑Mail Using psychophysiology for automated driving Marino Widmer
Jean-Pierre Bresciani
MICHELI Vincent UNIGE E‑Mail Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, NLP
MICIC Jovana UNIBE - Cryptology and data security
MILUTINOVIC Marija UNIGE E‑Mail Domain: AI for Personalised Dentistry Prof. Douglas Teodoro
Pr Julian Leprince
MLADENOVIKJ Biljana UNIFR - Applying of soft comouthing methods in future banking Edy Portmann
Marcel Schlater
MOHAMED Ben Belgacem UNIGE - distributed multiscale computation - fluid simulation (LBM method) Bastien Chopard
Nabil Abdennadher
MOI Gianfranco UNIGE E‑Mail A complex-systems paradigm for modeling and solving finite large-scale discrete resources allocation problems Prof. Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo 2025
MONDAL Manuel UNIFR E‑Mail Machine learning / Deep Learning / Large Language Models Philippe Cudré-Mauroux
MONG Mun how IHEID E‑Mail Essays on industrial policies. Damien Neven
Joost Pauwelyn
MONNIN Killian UNIL E‑Mail Deep learning for liver cancer detection in MRI data Jonas Richiardi
Naïk Vietti-Violi
MORARD Damien UNIGE E‑Mail Formal verification for petri nets Professor Didier Buchs 2023
MUFF Fabian UNIFR E‑Mail Metamodeling for Extended Reality Prof. Hans-Georg Fill 2024
MUNJURPET BALAJI Akshay bharadwaj UNINE E‑Mail Monitoring biodiversity recovery in mixed-species tree restoration projects in the tropics Prof. Clara Zemp 2028
MUSHI Gilbert UNIGE E‑Mail Farm Data Management and services for Sustainable Agriculture in Tanzania Prof. Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo
Mr Pierre-Yves Burgi
MUSY Loïc UNIGE E‑Mail Charge dissipation and ice formation on PbTiO3 Prof. Patrycja Paruch 2024
MUSZYNSKI Michal UNIGE E‑Mail Emotional and aesthetic highlights detection in movies Prof. Thierry Pun
Dr. Guillaume Chanel
MWAISELA Mpoki UNINE E‑Mail In Memory Processing on Encrypted data Prof. Pascal Felber
NAOUS Dana UNIL - Understanding User Preferences for Cloud Services Prof. Christine Legner
NGUYEN Minh Tue UNIFR E‑Mail Fuzzy Modeling in Customer Service
NIRI Rania UNIGE E‑Mail AI for Medical Image Analysis Guillaume Chanel 2022
NOROUZI Sajedeh UNIBE E‑Mail MIMO, AI Prof Torsten Braun
NUNEZ Ivonne UNIBE E‑Mail Privacy Protection and Efficient Energy Metering through Federated Learning in Smart Homes Prof. Dr. Torsten Braun
OLEKSIYUK Ivan UNIGE E‑Mail Anomaly detection and generative models in high energy physics Sviatoslav Voloshynovskiy
OSSEY Aman Sabrina UNIGE E‑Mail Information Systems Jean-Henry Morin
OSTAPUK Natalia UNIFR E‑Mail Managing big data Philippe Cudré-Mauroux
OTUNLA Zacchaeus UNIL E‑Mail Open Data Tobias Mettler
OUAAZKI Abdessalam UNINE E‑Mail Stress Mitigation by Design from a Human Computer Interaction Perspective
PALMA MENDES Michael UNINE E‑Mail Machine Learning in Quantitative Accounting Research Prof. Dr. Catalin Starica 2025/26
PARHIZKAR Mohammad UNIGE - Dictyostelium discoideum as an Inspiration of Swarm Robotics Giovanna Di Marzo
PENA-BELLO Alejandro UNIGE - Energy storage Martin K. Patel
David Parra
PERCIA DAVID Dimitri UNIL - Cyber Security Investment in the Context of Disruptive Technologies: Reassessment of Gordon–Loeb Model and Application to Critical Infrastructure Protection Prof. Dr. Solange Ghernaouti early 2019
PERRONE Daniele UNIBE E‑Mail Image Motion Deblurring
PETKANTCHIN Remy UNIGE E‑Mail Numerical modelling of ischemic stroke treatment
PINCAY-NIEVES Jhonny UNIFR - Graph-based recommender systems for Smart Participation Dr. Edy Portmann
Dr. Luis Terán
PONDENKANDATH Vinaychandran UNIFR - Domain: Deep learning for analysis of historical documents. Prof. Rolf Ingold
Prof. Dr. Marcus Liwicki
PROIOS Dimitrios UNIGE E‑Mail Graph neural networks for automatic phenotyping Douglas Teodoro 2025
PROVINS Céline UNIL E‑Mail Uncovering the interplay of structure, function, and dynamics of brain connectivity using MRI Patric Hagmann
Oscar Esteban
QUÉTANT Guillaume UNIGE E‑Mail Machine learning for high-energy physics: generative models and novelty detection Prof. Slava Voloshynovkiy
Prof. Tobias Golling
QUEYRUT Simon UNINE E‑Mail Adversarial Examples in Machine Learning Valerio Schiavoni
Pascal Felber
RAMBSSON Maxime UNIGE E‑Mail LBM-DEM method for suspension flow modelling in geophysics Jonas Lätt 2028
RANZI Florian UNIBE - Domain: Proof theory; ordinal analysis; metapredicativity
RAVI SHANKAR Amudha UNIGE E‑Mail Collective Intelligence in disaster response Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo
Jose Luis Fernandez Marquez
RAZEGHI Behrooz UNIGE E‑Mail Information Theory, Machine Learning, Information Forensics, Privacy Slava Voloshynovskiy
RESSAT Frank UNIL E‑Mail Second-Hand Storage Devices: User-Centric and Legal Perspectives Kévin Huguenin TBD
RETTIG Laura UNIFR E‑Mail Data integration for Smart Cities Prof. Philippe Cudré-Mauroux
REVILLOD Guillaume UNIL E‑Mail Use of artificial intelligence in Human Resources management Yves Emery & David Giauque 2025
REZAEIFAR Shideh UNIGE E‑Mail information-theoretic framework for physical object identification
RIMAZ Loris UNIL E‑Mail Descent into videogames: a technical approach of videogames to move beyond "game" and "play" theories. Prof. Yannick Rochat
Prof. Michael Piotrowski
RIO Benjamin UNIGE E‑Mail Efficient Attention Reasoning Francois Fleuret
RODRIGUES Lucas UNIL - Persuasive Computer to support job-seekers
ROSCHNIK Alicia UNIL E‑Mail Agile Transformation, Organisational Culture Change, Design Science Research, Visual Inquiry Tools Prof. Stéphanie Missonier
RUMORE Bianca UNIGE E‑Mail adoption and acceptance of Assistive Technology Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo
RYSER André UNIFR E‑Mail In-network and near storage computation for database systems
SAIED Youssef UNIGE E‑Mail Interpretable representations for RL François Fleuret
SALIHI Arbër UNIGE E‑Mail Abstracting Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT): A pattern-based approach Jean-henry Morin
SAMIKWA Eric UNIBE E‑Mail Resource-Aware Distributed Machine Learning for the Internet of Things Prof. Torsten Braun 2024
SCHARR Luca UNIBE E‑Mail Motion Estimation, Representation Learning Prof. Paolo Favaro
SCHMUTZ Lucas UNIL E‑Mail Combination of climate models Grégoire Mariéthoz 2026
SCHOENENWEID Marion UNIFR E‑Mail Correlation of multidimentional behavioural data with building infrastructure data to detect individual behaviour changes and their impacts in term of energy consumption Denis Lalanne
Julien Nembrini, Jean-Philippe Bacher
SCHOLL André UNIBE E‑Mail Essays on the Benefits, Disadvantages, and Risks concerning the Production and Usage of Open Government Data (OGD) Prof. Dr. Thomas Myrach 2025
SCHULER Timo UNIFR E‑Mail Creating an intelligent system of learning & development help for professionals using computational intelligence, analogical reasoning and neuropsychology Edy Portmann 2023
SCHULTE Konrad UNIL E‑Mail Machine Learning for Data Management Christine Legner 2027
SEURET Mathias UNIFR E‑Mail Domain: historical documents analysis. Prof. Rolf Ingold
SHIKARIPUR BHEEMASENA RAO Pooja UNIL E‑Mail Behaviour Change Technology to Support Job Seekers Prof. Mauro Cherubini
Prof. Dinesh Babu Jayagopi
SHIRI LORD Isaac UNIGE E‑Mail Deep learning based multimodality medical image analysis Professor. Habib Zaidi 2023
SILACCI Alessandro UNIL E‑Mail Simulated Exercising Peers: Tailored AI Social Agents to Support Physical Activity Mauro Cherubini
Maurizio Caon
SINHA Atul kumar UNIGE E‑Mail Deep Learning
SMIRNOVA Alisa UNIFR E‑Mail Entities and relationships extraction Philippe Cudre-Mauroux
SORBI Marco UNIGE E‑Mail Data knowledge management and interactive visualization Laurent Moccozet
Stéphane Marchand-Maillet
STAMOU Aikaterini UNIGE -
STEINHAUER Nathalie UNIBE - Threshold cryptography
STELLA Michelle UNIFR - Büchi automata Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche
STEPANOVIC Stefan UNIL - Physiolytics at the workplace Prof. Tobias Mettler
STUDER Linda UNIFR E‑Mail Geometric Deep Learning with an Application to Histopathological Image Analysis Andreas Fischer 2022
SULEMAN Muhammad UNIGE E‑Mail Agile Operating Model for Digital Transformation Dr. Jolita Ralyte 2024
SUN Mingjing UNIBE E‑Mail Distributed Computing Torsten Braun
TAGASOVSKA Natasa UNIL - Big Data and Analytics
TAGHIZADEH Elham UNIBE - Statistical shape modeling
TAM Iat hin UNIL E‑Mail Data-driven discovery of Spatiotemporal Causal Precursors to Tropical Weather Extremes Tom Beucler 2026
TARDY Camille UNIGE E‑Mail
THOMA Matthias UNIBE - Wireless Networks and Enterprise IT Torsten Braun
THOO Yong-Joon UNIFR E‑Mail An Augmented Reality based Platform to Support Vision Rehabilitation Prof. Denis Lalanne
Prof. Nicolas Ruffieux
THYAGARAJAN Karthik UNIGE E‑Mail Doctorat en Informatique- Compressible lattice Boltzmann Dr. Jonas Latt 2024
TŁUCZEK Jakub UNINE E‑Mail Contract Theory in Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning Prof. Christos Dimitrakakis
TSCHERRIG Julien UNIFR - Situational Web Synthesis Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, Elena Mugellini & Omar Abou Khaled
TUOR Raphaël UNIFR E‑Mail Human comfort Prof. Denis Lalanne
TURBÉ Hugues UNIGE E‑Mail Building interpretable models for time series classification in medical applications Pr. Christian Lovis
Dr. Mina Bjelogrlic
ULLMANN Denis UNIGE E‑Mail Machine learning based image processing for astronomical data analysis Svyatoslav Voloshynovskyy
VANHULST Pierre UNIFR E‑Mail Collaborative visualization of self-directed data
Pr. Dr. Denis Lalanne
VELYKOIVANENKO Lev UNIL E‑Mail Utility and usability of wearable devices and methodology for studying them. Kévin Huguenin
VENTEICHER Francesca UNIFR E‑Mail Fusion des corps de pompiers: quel impact sur la localisation des services du feu et les processus de fonctionnement associés Prof. Marino Widmer head of DS&OR group 2024
VIALAR Louis UNINE E‑Mail Practical Privacy-Preserving Processing Prof. Pascal Felber
VILLALOBOS Gabriela UNIL E‑Mail Human Computer Interaction and Persuasive Computing
VIOLOT Caroline UNIL E‑Mail Misinformation in YouTube comments Mathias Humbert 2026
VÖGTLIN Lars UNIFR E‑Mail Unsupervised learning in Document Image Analysis Rolf Ingold
WANG Chen UNIGE - Affective Computing Thierry Pun; Guillaume Chanel
WANG Jingyang UNIL E‑Mail Sustainability in Data Management Christine Legner 2027
WANG Zepeng UNIL E‑Mail Network communities and corporate finance. Boris Nikolov 2024
WASSIE Solomon Fikadie UNIBE E‑Mail 6G cloud Prof.Toresten braun
WEHRLE Marcel UNIFR - Fuzzy Web Monitoring Prof. Dr. Andreas Meier
WEISS Jordi UNIL - Heuristics and Biases in Strategic Managerial Decision Making Suzanne de Treville
WEITH Helena UNIBE - Customer Fairness Perception of Artificial Intelligence – Measuring Effects in the Context of AI-based B2C E-commerce Services Prof. Dr. Christian Matt
Prof. Dr. Thomas Myrach
WICHT François-Xavier UNIBE E‑Mail Privacy in cryptocurrencies and blockchains Prof. Christian Cachin
WÜRSCH Marcel UNIFR - Tools and Algorithms for Document Analysis Prof. Rolf Ingold
WYSS Jasmin UNIL E‑Mail Identity / digital forensic / Stylometry Prof. David-Olivier Jaquet-Chiffelle
Prof. Rebekah Overdorf
XIANG Shuhui IHEID E‑Mail International Economics Yuan Zi 2027
XU Zimu UNIBE E‑Mail Federated Learning in Psychological Monitoring Torsten Braun
YAZDANI Anthony UNIGE E‑Mail Deep Learning Methods for the Analyses of Adverse Drug Events Prof. Douglas Teodoro
YIEPNOU NANA Hortence Phalonne UNINE E‑Mail Fair AI for heterogeneous society Christos Dimitrikakis 2028
YILMAZ Elif UNINE E‑Mail Zero-Sum Games with Bandit Feedback Christos Dimitrakakis
YUHALA Peterson UNINE E‑Mail Security and Non-volatile byte-addressable memory Pascal Felber
Alain Tchana, Valerio Schiavoni
YVORRA Marjolaine UNIGE - Machine Learning Dimitri Konstantas
ZAGHIR Jamil UNIGE E‑Mail Interactions of Natural Language Technologies with humans: a battle of language acquisition Prof. Christian Lovis
Dre. Mina Bjelogrlic
ZAYENE Oussama UNIFR - text detection and recognition in arabic news video Rolf Ingold
Najoua Essoukri ben Amara, Jean Hennebert
ZHANG Boya UNIGE E‑Mail Natural Language Processing in Biomedical Domain Prof. Douglas Teodoro ([email protected])
ZHONG Sailin UNIFR E‑Mail Augmenting the Human Perception of Comfort through Interactive AI Denis Lalanne
Hamed S. Alavi
ZUCCHELLI Francesca UNIGE E‑Mail Numerical modelling of biomedical processes and devices Bastien CHOPARD
Jonas LÄTT
ZUFFEREY Damien UNIFR - Multi-Label Learning Applied to Medical Data Prof. Rolf Ingold
Dr. Jean Hennebert